Avocado Territory 2024, The process behind the success in the quality of Hass avocados from Fruty Green Packing SAS

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At Fruty Green Packing SAS, excellence begins in the field, where the Hass avocado is grown to the highest quality standards. From planning to harvesting, each stage of the process is designed to ensure that the fruit that reaches the market meets customer expectations in terms of quality, price and delivery conditions.

Harvesting Hass Avocado

Harvesting is a crucial moment in avocado production. Our producers must execute each task with precision: from manual harvesting with scissors, ensuring that the fruit retains a small stem of 3 to 4 mm, to the moment of harvesting, which is preferably done in the early hours of the morning. This minimizes stress from high temperatures and reduces the risk of dehydration. The way the avocado is cut is fundamental; a clean cut prevents damage that could affect the quality of the fruit and its shelf life.

Ripeness is a critical aspect that determines the right time for harvesting. The ripeness index should be simple and reflect the quality of the fruit, differentiating between physiological and commercial ripeness. At Fruty Green Packing SAS, different criteria are combined to ensure that the harvest is carried out at the optimal time, taking into account market conditions and the characteristics of the avocado.

Postharvest Management

The post-harvest stage covers all the activities that allow us to offer excellent quality avocados from harvesting to delivery to the consumer. At Fruty Green Packing SAS, rigorous reception and inspection procedures are implemented. The selection and classification of the avocado are vital, unifying the quality according to characteristics such as color, size and health.

Washing and Disinfection

Washing and disinfecting the fruit is essential to remove dirt and pathogenic microorganisms. This reduces the microbiological load, preserving the quality of the fruit and minimizing risks for consumers. Although avocados have a lower risk of microbiological contamination compared to other products, additional precautions are taken to ensure their safety.

Packaging and Storage

Packaging not only protects the product, but also facilitates its handling and marketing. At Fruty Green Packing SAS, we ensure that only avocados suitable for export are packaged.

Storage is another key aspect. Maintaining adequate humidity and controlled temperatures is essential to prolong the life of the avocado.

Intermodal Transport

At Fruty Green Packing SAS, we use intermodal transport to ensure the quality of our avocados during their journey to international markets. This involves the use of refrigerated units to transport the fruit to the port, where they are loaded onto ships to take our fruits from Colombia to various countries around the world.

It is essential that vehicles are kept in perfect mechanical condition and have all updated documentation. Drivers receive specific training on the type of product they transport, which allows them to follow essential recommendations to protect avocados. These include considerations on cleaning, disinfection, speed, temperatures, air pressure in tires and not mixing transported products.


At Fruty Green Packing SAS, the quality of our Hass avocados is a fundamental commitment that guides each stage of our production process. From harvest to transport, every action is aimed at ensuring that our fruits meet the highest commercial quality standards.

Commercial quality encompasses several crucial aspects that determine the acceptance of our products in the market. These include external presentation, which includes the general appearance in terms of color, size and shape, as well as the presence of damage or scratches. Each of these elements is carefully monitored during harvest and post-harvest handling, ensuring that the avocados we offer meet quality standards.

Product cleanliness is another essential factor, as the absence of foreign materials such as leaf residue and soil is essential to guarantee the safety and quality of the avocado. Likewise, the health of the fruit, which implies the absence of pests and diseases, is constantly monitored throughout the entire process, from the farm to packaging and transportation.

In short, the quality of our avocados at Fruty Green Packing SAS is a reflection of our commitment to excellence. Every step of the process, from harvesting to transportation, is designed to ensure that every avocado we offer is an exceptional product, ready to meet the demands of the global market.