Establish a business ethics line so that any interested party can anonymously report aspects that go against the principles and values established by the organization.

Through this channel, Fruty Green SAS and Fruty Green Packing SAS will be able to identify and monitor any act that puts at risk the continuity of their operations and the long-term relationship with interest groups, and likewise, maintain their good reputation, seals national and international quality.

To register a complaint, congratulations, report, claim or suggestion, please scan the code below and follow the instructions.
WhatsApp Image 2024 03 27 at 10.33.30 a. m

What behaviors to report on the Fruty Green ethics line?

A. Environmental degradation: Behaviour, actions, or practices that in one way or another irresponsibly violate the environment of the area of influence, including: contamination of water sources, illegal collections, visual contamination due to the presence of garbage or waste, deforestation, illegal hunting and all actions that may cause or result in potentially dangerous situations that affect the environment, health or safety of employees, customers or others.

B. Poor occupational health and safety practice at Work: Behaviours, actions or practices that affect both the physical and psychological integrity of collaborators and/or social actors that have a direct relationship with the organization (contractors, subcontractors and visitors).

C. Human Resource Management: inappropriate conduct, actions or practices of employees in society that go against corporate principles and human rights, with the purpose of encouraging compliance with ethical standards.

● Forms of bullying

● Labor Relations

● Discrimination

● Physical and verbal aggression

● Harassment

● Bullying

● Undue extra-work behavior of workers

● Misuse of confidential information.

● Misappropriation or misuse of company assets.

● Abuse of the conditions of administrator, official or collaborator of the Company for personal benefit.

● Counterfeiting of contracts, reports or records.

D. Administrative and Financial Process

● Bribes

● Appropriation of company resources.

● Illegal access to information systems.

● Conflicts of interest

● Corruption and Fraud.

E. quality process.

● Inadequate handling of the fruit.

● Non-application of protocols and hygiene plans.

● Disruption of reports and records.

● Breach of purchase protocols and commercial agreements.

● Problems related to the safety, legality, integrity and quality of the fruit and the process.

● Use of the equipment outside the company's facilities.

● Verification of the maximum limits of residuality.

● Fruit without certification.

Care channels
